Title Animation
Dukaš (The Abalone) – Documentary Title Animation
Title animation I made back in 2019 for an American documentary “Dukaš”, which means abalone (seashell). Directed by American Director Catherine Trainor who made some other documentaries too. Dukas…
Title Animation For FAR.U Motion Pictures
Made this title animation for a Media Production House “Far.U Motion Pictures” back in 2015.
Short Film Title Animation – Protibimbo (The Reflection) (প্রতিবিম্ব)(2016)
Made this title animation for a shortfilm back in 2016 or Far.U Motion Pictures.You can watch the original short film from here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TeKpf1FOds
Short Film Title Animation – Obbay (অব্যয়)(2016)
Made this title animation for a shortfilm back in 2016 or Far.U Motion Pictures.You can watch the original short film from here –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WnTuYn-XSc